GR are framed by Railway Board on behalf of the Government of India.It is applicable to all the zonal Railways because the rules laId down in GR are based on the basic principles of safety and do not deal with details.The object of these rules is to regulate the use, working and management of Railways. It is serially numbered( 354 Nos.) without any prefix and are printed in bold letters. The GR book having 18 chapters.

                     The Subsidiary Rules (S.R.) are to be read in conjunction with the General Rules (G.R.) because both General and Subsidiary Rules are equally binding on the Railway.It is framed by authorised officer of particular Railway on behalf of GM. It is framed to deal with local conditions of the Zonal Railway. The main role of SR is to amplify, simplify and clarify GR. It is printed below the relevant GR and bear the same number with a prefix SR.